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BookSurge Publishing
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Available items(s) from this publisher (2)

Beer, Bacon and Bullets: Culture in Coalition Warfare from Gallipoli to Iraq by Gal Luft examines how culture can impact the relations between Western militaries and their non-Western allies. Military forces of dissimilar cultures working togeth[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4392-6096-8 Article on page: 1 vol. (XXII, 303 p.) Tags: International relations and culture Languages: English ![]()
Targeted Killing: Self-Defense, Preemption, and the War on Terrorism by Thomas Hunter presents a reasoned, impeccably researched, and multi-faceted analysis of the tactic of targeted killing assessing its role, efficacy, and appropriateness in t[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4392-5205-5 Article on page: X, 96 p. Class number: 341.63 Tags: Preemptive attack (Military science) ; Terrorism--Prevention--Government policy ; War on terrorism, 2001-2009 ; Targeted killing (International law) Languages: English