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Monitorul oficial
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Available items(s) from this publisher (4)
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Article on page: 251 Descriptors: Tags: European Union ; Political science Languages: English Books
ISBN (or other code): 978-973-567-355-0 Article on page: 264 Class number: 355.031 091 821 094 98 Tags: NATO--Enlargement ; Romania ; Military policy Languages: English Books
ISBN (or other code): 978-973-567-355-0 Article on page: 379 Class number: 355.031 498 Tags: Romania--Armed forces ; NATO--History ; NATO--Military relations ; NATO--Enlargement Languages: English Books
ISBN (or other code): 978-973-567-149-5 Article on page: 248 Class number: 949.8 Tags: Romania--History ; Tourism ; Romania--Armed forces ; Romania--Politics and government ; Europe, Central Languages: English ; French ; Romanian