European Union Institute for Security Studies
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Beschikbare documenten van deze uitgever (82)

Electronic document
Keywords : UE; Union européenne; Afrique; multilatéralisme; gouvernance mondiale; commerce mondial; Sécurité alimentaire; questions migratoires; Afrique du Sud; Angola; Nigéria; Ethiopie; Abstract : La cohérence des instruments de l’UE exige un [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-92-9198-173-1 Talen: Engels ![]()
Electronic document
Roberto Aliboni ; George Joffé ; Erwan Lannon ; Azzam Mahjoub ; Abdallah Saaf ; Alvaro De vascondos | Paris : European Union Institute for Security StudiesKeywords : Barcelona summit; political Islam; euro-mediterranean cooperation; Abstract : The project of a Union for the Mediterranean has relaunched the debate on Euro-Mediterranean relations in a broader context. In this regard, one should not [...]
Tags: European Neighbourhood Policy ; Treaty on European Union--1992 ; Barcelona (E) Talen: Engels ![]()
Electronic document
Keywords : Libyan people; Benghazi; Gaddafi; UNSC; United Nations Security Council; No-fly zones; Abstract : The international community is under the obligation to immediately declare a no-fly zone over Libya. The Libyan opposition, including th[...]
Talen: Engels ![]()
Electronic document
Keywords : monde arabe; Etats arabes; sécurité nationale arabe; guerres urbaines; violences islamiques; Abstract : Quelles sont les doctrines, les préoccupations de sécurité et de défense dans les pays arabes, au Moyen-Orient en particulier ? La[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-92-9198-171-7 Talen: Frans ![]()
Electronic document
Judy Batt ; Vojin Dimitrijevic ; Florence Hartmann ; Dejan Jovic ; Tija Memisevic ; Jelena Obradovic-wochnik | Paris : European Union Institute for Security StudiesKeywords : war crimes; Eu integration; European Union; western balkans; croatia; ICTY; Tudjman; Serbia; Abstract : The Balkans: a European storymight beimaginedas thetitle ofa remakeoftheLars vonTrierfilm Europa, reflectingthefactthat thecountr[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-92-9198-142-7 Talen: Engels ![]()
Electronic document
Sven Biscop ; Nicole Gnessotto ; Jolyon Howorth ; Daniel Keohane ; Stefano Silvestri ; Teija Tiilikainen ; Alvaro De vasconcelos | Paris : European Union Institute for Security StudiesKeywords : EU, European Unio, NATO; OTAN; Russia, US, United States; Abstract : The future of the North Atlantic Alliance is of paramount importance for EU foreign policy. Yet no official EU perspective has been publicly formulated on NATO’s 201[...]
Descriptors : 6.20 Relations internationales > Sûreté de l'État > Défense > Défense militaire Europe
Talen: Engels ![]()
Electronic document
Keywords : Yemen; Saleh; Saleh’s departure; Arab nationalist republic; Al Qaeda; Arabian Peninsula; Abstract : The potential for things going badly in Yemen after Saleh’s departure is great. There are already many conflicts and problems there. [...]
Talen: Engels