European Union Institute for Security Studies
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Electronic document
Keywords : islamic republic; Muslims; Iran; Bahrain; Saudi Arabia; Abstract : In the Persian Gulf the power game is generally played out in straightforward power politics, but more often in dressedup ideological or sectarian divisions. When Iran[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : arab revolutions; Muslims; Tunisia; Egypt; Abstract : Huntington’s theory of the incompatibility between democracy and Islam has been proved absolutely wrong by the democratic revolutions in the Arab world. It is high time for advocat[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : monde arabe; révolution; autonomie des peuples; tunisie; Egypte; ordre étatique; auto-organisation; Abstract : Les événements qui viennent de se produire en Tunisie, puis en Égypte, avec leurs spécificités, font apparaître, de manière[...]
Talen: Frans Electronic document
Keywords : Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi; Libya; chemical and biological weapon; CBW; Bundesnachrichtendienst; BND; Rabta; Abstract : Mustafa Abdel Galil, who resigned as Libya’s justice minister on 21 February 2011, alleged three days later in an[...]
Descriptors : Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : Middle East; Islamic Revolution; Muslim Brotherhood; Iran; Egypt; Islamist politics; Abstract : Many are today both exhilarated and worried by the recent events in Egypt. They are haunted by memories of another promising revolution th[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : Sapsan; TGV; ICE; speed train; Abstract : Wealthy Russians, business people and foreigners (including the author of this note) breathe sighs of relief when thinking about making the trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg (and, more recent[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : Misrata; UN; United Nation; Mouldi Lahmar; Gaddafi; Abstract : The international community is not doing all it should to apply UN Resolution 1973 to protect Libyan civilians. This is clearly the case in the martyr city of Misrata, whe[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : East Asia; EU; European Union; China; South Korea; Sino-Japanese relations; Pyongyang; Abstract : In the aitermath of the attack, the South Korean government raised security alerts ta the hIghest level for peace time while the Parliam[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : North Africa; EU; European Union; Amr Moussa; Mubarak; illegal migration; EEAS; European External Action Service; Abstract : Much has been said about the EU’s response to the uprisings in North Africa. Much has been and will continue [...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : Tunisia; Ben Ali regime; Béatrice Hibou; democracy; human rights; Abstract : When dealing with the Ben Ali regime, the European Union and its Member States have failed in two ways. First and foremost they glossed over the regime’s tot[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : crisis in Libya; Gaddafi; Cyrenaica; United Nations Security; Abstract : As the crisis in Libya develops, it is becoming clear that its resolution may take considerable time. The resistance in Cyrenaica lacks weaponry and experience w[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : Tunisia; democracy; Ben Ali; EU policy; Mediterranean societies; RCD; Democratic Assembly of Tunisia; Abstract : ln the light ofthe recent popular uprising in Tunisia that has culminated in President Ben Ali's f1ight from the country,[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
The crisis in Tunisia is at the end of its heroic phase: the corrupt presidency has been overthrown by a revolutionary popular uprising and the nihilistic violence of its paramilitary base in the presidential guard and the police has been counte[...]
Talen: Engels Electronic document
Keywords : Tunisie; démocratie; monde arabe; Révolution du jasmin; autoritarisme; Abstract : La « Révolution du jasmin » en Tunisie, les événements en cours en Égypte et les manifestations prévues ici et là dans plusieurs pays arabes semblent in[...]
Talen: Frans Electronic document
Keywords : Tunisie; Sidi Bouzid, s'immoler; Ben Ali; droits de l'homme; realpolitik; Abstract : Qui avait prévu un tel chambardement? Qui osait espérer, il y a à peine trois mois, que le peuple tunisien était capable de déboulonner le régime hon[...]
Talen: Frans