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European Union Institute for Security Studies
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Available items(s) from this publisher (82)
Electronic document
Feng Zhongping ; Robert Hutchings ; Radha Kumar ; Elisabeth Sidiropoulos ; Andrei Zagorsky | Paris : European Union Institute for Security StudiesKeywords : global security; multipolar; multilateral; regionalism; BRIC; EU; European Union; Abstract : This is the second Chaillot Paper in a series exploring the various strands of a global topic: multilateralising multipolarity. Through the e[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-92-9198-156-4 Languages: English Others
Sanctions (or restrictive measures) seem to have become one of the EU’s weapons of choice to effect change beyond its borders. Ranging from limitations on official or diplomatic contacts and the withdrawal of benefits (either under existing agre[...]
Tags: Weapons Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : Abkhazia EU; European Union; South Ossetia; Georgia; Sergei Bagash; Aleksandr Ankvab; Daur Tarba; Gali; Abstract : In December 2009, the EU adopted a non-recognition and engagement policy towards South Ossetia and Abkhazia. While the [...]
Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : Libya; R2P; responsibility to protect; UNSCR; United nations Security Council Resolution; EU; European Union; Abstract : The UN Security Council Resolution 1970 on the situation in Libya does not provide a satisfactory answer to the q[...]
Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : EU; Treaty of Amsterdam; Lisbon Treaty; Justice and Home Affairs; JHA; Foreign Affairs Council; European Union Abstract : Since the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, the EU has intensified its efforts to establish closer co[...]
Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : Iran; Islamic Republic; Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei; Ahmadinejad; Abstract : The very public disagreement between Iran’s Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, over the sacking of Intelligence Minister, Heydar M[...]
Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : Ben Ali; Afrique du Nord; régime policier; régime corrompu; Mohamed Bouazizi; Aqmi; Trabelsi; Tunisie; Abstract : un mouvement de contestation sans précédent, nous amène à revisiter la question de la stabilité et du devenir des régime[...]
Languages: French Electronic document
Keywords : Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi; Qaddafi; Libya; rebellion; Libyan army; UN; United Union; Abstract : The international community must urgently stop Qaddafi’s murderous madness against peaceful demonstrators whose only crime is to ask for[...]
Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : Maghreb; démocratie; politique européenne; menace terroriste; al-qaïda: partis islamistes; Abstract : Les pays du Maghreb sonr confrontés à des problèmes structurels qui menacent leur stabilité. Bien plus que la violence terroriste, l[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-92-9198-139-7 Languages: French Electronic document
Keywords : arab democratic wave; EU; European Union; irregular migration; EU migration policy; Abstract : At present, there is an explosive lack of consensus within the EU about dealing with irregular migration from North Africa and the Middle E[...]
Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : exodus; european law; international law; EU; European Union; refugees; Human Rights; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; EUCFR; Abstract : Southern Member States of the EU are currently worried about a potential mass [...]
Descriptors: 6.20 International relations > State security > Defence > Défense militaire Europe
Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : Kosovo; negotiations; Ahtisaari; territorial unity; Abstract : When two express rrains race towards one anotheron asingle-track Iine, there is not much room for compromise. Eirher one side gives up and selects reverse gear in a hurry,[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-92-9198-132-8 Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : disarmament, nuclear weapon; security environnement; Abstract : In 1909 For ei gn Secre ta ry Si r Edward Grey, Viscount Grey al Fallodon, pro phesied t he outb reak a l World Wa r 1 when he dec lare d t hat th e naval arms race betwe[...]
Descriptors: 6.20 International relations > Peace > Disarmament
6.20 International relations > Peace > Disarmament > Arms control
Languages: English Electronic document
Anthony Ian ; Camille Grand ; Lukasz Kulesa ; Christain Mölling ; Mark Smith | Paris : European Union Institute for Security StudiesKeywords : Nuclear Weapons; non-proliferation; EU, European Union; 2010 Revcon; Nuclear governance; South Africa; NPT; Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; nuclear zero; Abstract : The eighth review conference of the Treaty on the Non-Prolifera[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-92-9198-165-6 Languages: English Electronic document
Keywords : Hamas; Fatah; Gaza; Abstract : The election process, which proceeded in accordance with the law and was recognised by the international community including EU observers as free and fair (the initial statement issued by the EU declared[...]
Languages: English