Abstract :
Aircrew neck pain has been shown to significantly degrade aircrew health and wellbeing, operational performance and mission effectiveness. A successful strategy to minimise aircrew neck pain requires the identification of possible aircrew neck pain risk factors, and the application of evidence-based solutions to mitigate these risks. NATO HFM-RTG 252 Aircrew Neck Pain has developed evidence-based recommendations to minimise flying-related neck pain and optimise aircrew health and operational performance. These include: • An enduring comprehensive physical conditioning and monitoring programme that reflects flying tasks and physical demands, promotes physical recovery between high-risk activities, with easy access to physical therapy to sustain performance and accelerate recovery after minor and chronic or pre-existing injuries and strains; • Helmets and helmet-mounted equipment should be designed to minimise neck forces and be compatible with other body-worn equipment and cockpit structures; and • Postures and movements most-associated with neck pain and injury should be identified, and minimised to the greatest extent possible. Notwithstanding the physical demands imposed on military aviators and the inherent risk of neck pain, this report provides advice to aircrew, commanders, aviation medicine specialists, and health and fitness personnel for tangible ways to reduce flying-related neck pain and optimise flight performance and mission effectiveness.