Public, press, and academic interest in the military justice system has increased over the past generation. This is a result of several high-profile trials (the Sergeant Major of the Army and Kelly Flinn, among others), a popular TV show, and broader public attention to and interest in the military, stemming from the post-Cold War prominence of the military (Gulf War I, Balkans, and post-9/11 operations in Afghanistan and Iraq). In addition, some of the more prominent cases from the war in Iraq, including Abu Ghraib and detainee cases, as well as the GTMO military commissions, have kept military justice in the news.
There are many misconceptions about the rudiments of the military justice system. Many perceive severity where there is none (though there are features that differ from the civilian system, sometimes unfavorably for the accused), and few are aware of its unique protections and features. This volume accomplishes two main purposes: (1) it provides comprehensive, accurate, and current information about the military justice system and related disciplinary features, written by a lawyer but in laymen's language; and (2) it explains the system through some illustrative or engaging anecdotes, including the trials of Billy Mitchell, Eddie Slovik and the World War II Nazi saboteurs, whose capture and trial provide the basis for the Guantanamo-based trials of suspected terrorists, initiated by President Bush and continued by President Obama). The U.S. military justice continues to thrive and expand while systems in our Allied nations have been restricted or virtually shut down. This volume provides some insight on why this is, while educating citizens and practitioners in its functions, rules, and traditions