Résumé :
This volume is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the LAMSADE (Laboratoire d'Analyse et Modelisation de Systemes pour l'Aide a la Decision, CNRS UMR 7024 and University Paris-Dauphine) and to the theme "Combinatorial Optimization - Theoretical Computer Science": interfaces and perspectives, one of the major research areas of the LAMSADE. It has two main objectives. The first one is to show that bringing together Operational Research and Theoretical Computer Science can be very fruitful for: achieving important advances, in tools, concepts and methods, for both disciplines; contributing to revitalization of both of them; tackling old problems with new tools; promoting emergence of new problems and paradigms; and, creating conditions for strong cooperations between two scientific communities that, in a large extend, address almost the same problems, work under the same paradigms, use parallel formalisms, tools and methods, develop either parallel or complementary approaches. The second objective is to show the quality and the depth of the work conducted by a number of researches in the LAMSADE along the epistemological lines just sketched. In the papers included in this volume, the reader will find all the ingredients of a successful matching between combinatorial optimization and theoretical computer science, with interesting results carrying over a large number of their common subjects and going from "pure" complexity theoretic approaches to "oldies but goodies" and always essential and vital operational research subjects, as flows, scheduling, or linear and mathematical programming, passing from polynomial approximation, on-line computation, multicriteria combinatorial optimization, game theory, design of algorithms for multi-agent systems, etc. Any of the papers makes a valuable contribution to both the two main topics of the volume and to any of the areas dealt.