Title: | Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences |
Authors: | Philip r. Bevington ; D. keith Robinson |
Material Type: | Books |
Edition statement: | 3rd ed |
Publisher: | New York : McGraw-Hill, 2003 |
Article on page: | XI, 320 |
ISBN (or other code): | 978-0-07-247227-1 |
Languages: | English |
Tags: | Mathematical statistics ; Multivariate analysis ; Error analysis (Mathematics) ; Mathematical physics |
Abstract: | The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the concepts of statistical analysis of data for students at the undergraduate and graduate level, and to provide tools for data reduction and error analysis commonly required in the physical sciences. The presentation is developed from a practical point of view, including enough derivation to justify the results, but emphasizing methods of handling data more than theory. This text provides a variety of numerical and graphical techniques. Computer programs that support these techniques will be available on an accompanying website in both Fortran and C++. |
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100128R | ABAL 519.2 BEVI | Book | Royal Military Academy | Systèmes d’Armes et Balistique | Due for return by 12/31/2025 |