3 trefwoord(en) gevonden voor
'War--Public opinion' 

Why do we--not the politicians or the generals, but ordinary people--so often and so willingly support war, in the west and elsewhere? In search of an answer to that question, this book explores topics such as the personal appeal of war and [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-19-767675-2 Artikel op pagina: 306 p. Descriptors : 3.15 Philosophie et éthique > Éthique > Ethique appliquée > Guerre
3.15 Philosophie et éthique > Éthique > Ethique appliquée > Guerre -- Aspect moral
Indexering: 355.020 19 Tags: War--Psychological aspects ; War--Public opinion ; War--Moral and ethical aspects Talen: Engels ![]()
Since 1945, the European states which had previously glamorised their military elites, and made going to war the highest expression of patriotism, have renounced violence as a way of settling their disputes. Violence has been eclipsed as a tool [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-571-22085-4 Artikel op pagina: 1 vol. (XX, 284 p.) Descriptors : 6.20 Relations internationales > Sûreté de l'État > Défense > Défense militaire Europe
Tags: War--History--20th century ; Peace--History--20th century ; War--Public opinion ; Europeans--Attitudes ; Europe--Foreign relations--1918-1945 ; Europe--Foreign relations--1945- ; United States--Foreign relations--20th century ; Europe--Foreign relations--United States ; United States--Foreign relations--Europe ; Europe--Politics and government--20th century ; United States--Politics and government--20th century Talen: Engels Thesis
The concept of "strategic culture" dates from the 1970s, when Jack Snyder introduced it to explain why leaders of the Soviet Union did not behave according to rational choice theory. These ideas have gained wide acceptance among historians of in[...]
Artikel op pagina: VII, 152 Tags: Military policy ; Political culture ; War and society ; War--Public opinion ; War--Psychological aspects Talen: Engels