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'Violence in women' 

Article en page(s) : 1 vol. (VII, 240 p.) Catégories : Tags : Women terrorists ; Women suicide bombers ; Political violence ; Feminism ; Violence in women Langues: Anglais ![]()
Margaret Gonzalez-perez | London [United Kingdom] : Routledge | Contemporary terrorism studies | 2008This book examines the relationship between women and terrorist activities in the post-World War II era. Utilizing comparative research into 26 terrorist organizations world-wide, the work identifies a dichotomy whereby women are significantly m[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-415-46467-3 Article en page(s) : VIII, 162 Tags : Terrorism ; Women terrorists ; Violence in women Langues: Anglais Thesis
This edited volume provides a window on the many forces that structure and shape why women and girls participate in terrorism and militancy, as well as on how states have come to view, treat, and strategize against them. Females who carry out te[...]
Article en page(s) : XIII, 342 Catégories : Tags : Political violence ; Violence in women ; Women terrorists Langues: Anglais ![]()
Marie-France Hirigoyen donne des clefs pour prévenir mais aussi pour sortir d'une situation de violence conjugale. Basé sur de nombreux témoignages, ce livre analyse les différents types de violences ; l'auteur dresse une typologie des protagoni[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-915056-22-8 Article en page(s) : 299 p. Index. décimale : 303.61 Tags : Violence in women Langues: Français