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1 recherche sur le mot-clé 'United States--Armed Forces--Robots'
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Julie Carpenter | London [United Kingdom] : Routledge | Emerging technologies, ethics and international affairs | 2016Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel are some of the most highly trained people in the military, with a job description that spans defusing unexploded ordnance to protecting VIP's and state dignitaries. EOD are also one of the first milit[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4724-4311-3 Article en page(s) : XXII, 165 p. Catégories : 6.60 Equipements et installations > Véhicule > Véhicules autonomes
Index. décimale : 355.82 Tags : Military robots ; Robotics--Military applications ; Human-robot interaction ; Military robots--United States ; Human-robot interaction--United States ; Explosive ordnance disposal--United States ; United States--Armed Forces--Robots Langues: Anglais