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'Soviet Union--Politics and government--1917-1936' 

State structures, international forces, and class relations: Theda Skocpol shows how all three combine to explain the origins and accomplishments of social-revolutionary transformations. From France in the 1790s to Vietnam in the 1970s, social r[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-521-29499-7 Article en page(s) : XVII, 407 p. Index. décimale : 301.6333 Tags : Revolutions--Case studies ; Revolutions--France--History ; Revolutions--Soviet Union--History ; Revolutions--China--History ; France--Politics and government--1789-1799 ; Soviet Union--Politics and government--1917-1936 ; China--Politics and government--1912-1949 Langues: Anglais