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'Rocket launchers' 

Jens De cock, Auteur ; Editions francis lefebvre ; Francis Lefebvre, Directeur de thèse | Brussels [Belgique] : Royal Military Academy | 2018-2019In this thesis, the physico-chemical ageing of the LAW M72 EC rocket engine M7 double base propellant was studied. This was done by articial ageing inside ovens. In total, ten engines were studied. Four of the engines were opened and their pro[...]
Article en page(s) : 70 p. Catégories : 6.60 Equipements et installations > Équipement militaire > Arme
Tags : POL 169 ; Master's dissertations ; Military--Rocket launchers ; Rocket launchers ; Rocket launchers (Ordnance) Langues: Anglais Promotion : 169 POL
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