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'Neurolinguistic programming' 

The author put this book down cores for education and training. Which cores are developing programs and the developed programs to run. It is traditional precision work expressly of the trainer/trainer asks that he operates from a personal balanc[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-90-244-1334-8 Article en page(s) : 168 p. Index. décimale : 158.9 Tags : Neurolinguistic programming--Handbooks, manuals, etc. ; Neurolinguistic programming ; Neurolinguistic programming--Training Langues: Néerlandais ![]()
Are you being held back from achieving your goals? Does fear of failure stop you from getting outstanding results? NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is a set of powerful psychological techniques that can help you have more of what you want and [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-85458-546-2 Article en page(s) : 251 p. Index. décimale : 158.9 Tags : Oral communication--Handbooks, manuals, etc. ; Oral communication--Study and teaching ; Neurolinguistic programming Langues: Anglais ![]()
An excellent introduction to the subject. A clear, thoughtful structure takes both novices and experienced practitioners through the subject in a logical, coherent, and easy to understand and enjoyable way. The style of writing is realistic and [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-85788-529-3 Article en page(s) : VIII, 379 p. Index. décimale : 658.409 Tags : Neurolinguistic programming ; Success in business Langues: Anglais ![]()
Bandler en Grinder zijn de twee grondleggers van neurolinguïstisch programmeren. Zij schreven er boeken over en geven trainingen. Dit boek is een verslag van zo'n tweedaagse workshop uit januari 1978. Het boek is toe aan zijn vijfde druk. Wie ke[...]
Mention d'édition : 5de dr ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-90-6020-331-6 Article en page(s) : 208 p. Index. décimale : 616.89/14 Tags : Attitude change ; Meaning (Psychology) ; Negotiation ; Psychotherapy ; Neurolinguistic programming Langues: Néerlandais
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