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'Network-centric operations (Military science)' 

As evolution of warfare has shown throughout history, most militaries are slow to adapt. The soldiers fighting in World War I fought in much the same manner as they did 100 years earlier, fighting side by side and moving in large formations desp[...]
Article en page(s) : 1 vol. Tags : Working paper ; CSEM/HStO 126 ; Network-centric operations (Military science) Langues: Anglais Thesis
Network-Centric Warfare (NCW) est une conséquence logique de différents changements au sein de la société. L’économie a changé, en particulier après la chute du Mur de Berlin. L’évolution technologique s’est faite de façon exponentielle depuis l[...]
Article en page(s) : 1 vol. Tags : Working paper ; CSEM/HStO 126 ; aéronefs ; Network-centric operations (Military science) Langues: Français ![]()
Stephanie Hszieh ; George Galdorisi ; Terry Mckearney ; Darren Sutton ; Sea power centre australia | Canberra : Sea Power Centre - Australia | Sea power series | 2014This study focuses on the technical aspects of maritime partnerships, providing a historical perspective to inform understanding of the evolving nature of partnerships today. Beginning with an overview of naval communications, the study outlines[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-9925004-2-9 Article en page(s) : XVI, 126 p. Catégories : 6.45 Génie civil, militaire et minier > Génie militaire > Stratégie militaire > Marine de guerre
Index. décimale : 359.03 Tags : Combined operations (Military science) ; Network-centric operations (Military science) ; Command and control systems ; Sea control (E) Langues: Anglais