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'Middle East--Foreign relations--Europe' 

Daniel Möckli ; Victor Mauer | London [United Kingdom] : Routledge | CSS studies in security and international relations | 2010This book examines the evolution of European-American relations with the Middle East since 1945. Placing the current transatlantic debates on the Middle East into a broader context, this work analyses how, why, and to what extent European and US[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-415-47664-5 Article on page: 1 vol. (XI, 259 p.) Descriptors: 6.20 International relations > International relations
6.20 International relations > State security > Defence > Défense militaire Europe
Class number: 327.560 73 Tags: United States--Foreign relations--Middle East ; Middle East--Foreign relations--United States ; Europe--Foreign relations--Middle East ; Middle East--Foreign relations--Europe ; United States--Foreign relations--Europe ; Europe--Foreign relations--United States ; United States--Foreign relations--1945-1989 ; United States--Foreign relations--1989- ; Europe--Foreign relations--1945- Languages: English ![]()
The greater Middle East is beset by a crescent of crisis--a region of urgent danger stretching from Pakistan to Afghanistan, through Iran and Iraq, all the way to the Syria/Lebanon question and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The specific prob[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-8157-1690-7 Article on page: 1 vol. (vi, 263 p.) Descriptors: 6.20 International relations > State security > Defence > Défense militaire Europe
Tags: Middle East--Foreign relations--United States ; United States--Foreign relations--Middle East ; Middle East--Foreign relations--Europe ; Europe--Foreign relations--Middle East Languages: English ![]()
Muriel Asseburg ; Dominique Moïsi ; Gerd Nonneman ; Stefano Silvestri ; Martin Ortega, Publishing director | Paris : Institut d'Etudes de Sécurité de l'Union européenne | Cahiers de Chaillot, ISSN 1017-7574 | 20035 auteurs européens expriment leur point de vue sur le rôle de l’Union européenne dans la pacification du conflit israélo-palestinien depuis le début de l’intifada en septembre 2000. Parmi les aspects positifs de l’action de l’Union, il faut sou[...]
Article on page: 100 Descriptors: Class number: 327.17094 Tags: War--Israel ; Middle East--Foreign relations--Europe Languages: French