2 trefwoord(en) gevonden voor
'Imagination--Social aspects' 

Summary "Where does the desire for endless rules, regulations, and bureaucracy come from? How did we come to spend so much of our time filling out forms? And is it really a cipher for state violence? To answer these questions, anthropologist Dav[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-1-61219-374-8 Artikel op pagina: 261 p. Indexering: 302.35 Tags: Bureaucracy ; Social structure ; Power (Social sciences) ; Liberalism ; Technological innovations--Social aspects ; Imagination--Social aspects ; Stupidity Talen: Engels ![]()
Laurent Lapierre, Auteur ; Abraham Zaleznik, Préfacier, etc. | Montréal : Québec/Amérique | Collection Presses HEC | 1993
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-2-89037-616-8 Artikel op pagina: VII, 776 p. Descriptors : 4.15 Systèmes sociaux > Interaction sociale > Relations interpersonnelles
Indexering: 158.4 Tags: Leadership (E) ; Imagination--Social aspects ; Interpersonal relations Talen: Frans
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