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7 search for keyword(s) 'Feminism'
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Catherine Jacques | Bruxelles : Centre de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Politiques | Courrier hebdomadaire. CRISP, ISSN 0008-9664 | 2009Alors que l’émancipation féminine apparaît comme l’un des faits majeurs du 20e siècle, son histoire, et plus encore celle du féminisme qui en est l’expression politique, demeurent largement méconnues du grand public. Un pan important de l’évolut[...]
Article on page: 54 p. Class number: 305.42 Tags: Feminism Languages: French Books
As media coverage of terrorism and terroristic acts has increased so too has the discussion about the identities, motives, and gender of the perpetrators. Over the past fifteen years, there have been over 150 reported suicide bombings committed [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4875-0007-8 Article on page: X, 266 p. Descriptors: Class number: 363.325082 Tags: Terrorism--Political aspects ; Terrorism--Social aspects ; Feminism ; Suicide bombings ; Women terrorists Languages: English Thesis
Article on page: 1 vol. (VII, 240 p.) Descriptors: Tags: Women terrorists ; Women suicide bombers ; Political violence ; Feminism ; Violence in women Languages: English Books
The first gender reader in UK to focus on sociological perspectives, this book offers students an informed overview of some of the most significant sociological work on gender produced over the last three decades. Edited by leading authorities, [...]
Edition statement: reprint ISBN (or other code): 978-0-415-20180-3 Article on page: 1 vol. (XIV, 465 p.) Class number: 316.346.2 Tags: Sex--Social aspects ; Sex role ; Feminism Languages: English Books
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-449-91260-7 Article on page: XX, 378 p. Tags: Feminism Languages: English Books
De aard en gevolgen van fysiek en seksueel geweld tegenover meisjes worden besproken, alsmede de heersende mythe en vooroordelen omtrent verweermogelijkheden van meisjes tegenover geweld. Tevens zijn de verschillende manieren waarop weerbaarheid[...]
Edition statement: 2de en herz. dr. Article on page: 75 p. Class number: 362.883 Tags: Women ; Sexual harassment ; Rape ; Resilience (Personality trait) ; Confidence ; Angst ; Feminism Languages: Dutch
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