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Finn Laursen | Farnham [United Kingdom] : Ashgate | The international political economy of new regionalisms series | 2013The global financial crisis, which started in the United States in 2007, spread to Europe in 2009. It especially hit Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain, countries which have introduced the single currency, the euro. These eurozone count[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4094-5729-9 Article en page(s) : XXI, 215 p. Catégories : Index. décimale : 330.94 Tags : European Union ; Financial crises--European Union countries ; Eurozone ; Monetary policy--European Union countries ; European Union countries--Economic policy Langues: Anglais ![]()
Varoufakis sparked one of the most spectacular and controversial battles in recent political history when, as finance minister of Greece, he attempted to re-negotiate his country's relationship with the EU. Despite the mass support of the Greek [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-84792-446-9 Article en page(s) : VIII, 550 p. Index. décimale : 337.142 Tags : European Union ; Eurozone--Economic policy ; Eurozone ; Greece--Foreign economic relations ; European Union countries--Foreign economic relations ; Greece--Economic conditions--21st century ; Greece--Foreign economic relations--European Union countries ; European Union countries--Foreign economic relations--Greece ; Greece--Politics and government--21st century Langues: Anglais Thesis
Over the past 25 years, Jurgen Habermas has presented what is arguably the most coherent and wide-ranging defence of the project of European unification and of parallel developments towards a politically integrated world society. In developing h[...]
Article en page(s) : XI, 176 p. Catégories : Tags : Jews--Germany ; Technocracy ; Political culture--Europe ; Europe--Politics and government--1989- ; Eurozone Langues: Anglais ![]()
Frédéric Allemand ; Mathieu Bion ; Jean-luc Sauron ; Pierre Moscovici, Préfacier, etc. | Issy-les-Moulineaux : Gualino Editeur | 2016La gouvernance de la zone euro est en crise depuis 2010. Le modèle issu du traité de Maastricht de 1992 n'est plus tenable. Dans un espace économique et financier intégré, les politiques économiques des États constituent un sujet d'intérêt commu[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-297-05270-2 Article en page(s) : 254 p. Index. décimale : 339.509 4 Tags : European Union countries--Economic policy--21st century ; Europe--Economic community ; Financial crises--European Union countries ; Monetary unions--European Union countries ; Eurozone ; Eurozone--Economic policy Langues: Français ![]()
The Future of the Euro is an attempt by political economists to analyze the fundamental causes of the euro crisis, determine how it can be fixed, and consider what likely futures lie ahead for the currency. The book makes three interrelated argu[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-023324-2 Article en page(s) : XV, 339 p. Index. décimale : 332.4/94 Tags : Euro (E) ; Eurozone ; Financial crises--European Union countries Langues: Anglais
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