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3 search for keyword(s) 'Emigration and immigration--European Union countries'
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Gabriella Lazaridis | Farnham [United Kingdom] : Ashgate | Research in migration and ethnic relations series | 2011Having often been framed in terms of security concerns, migration issues have simultaneously given rise to issues of insecurity: on the one hand, security of borders, political, societal and economic security/insecurity in the host country; one [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4094-0920-5 Article on page: XV, 307 p. Class number: 355/.03304 Tags: Europe--Ethnic relations ; Emigration and immigration--European Union countries ; Emigration and immigration--Europe, Western Languages: English Books
A l'ère de la mondialisation, les flux migratoires s'amplifient et se diversifient. Migrations de main-d'œuvre, de compétences, étudiantes, industrielles, familiales, sociales, fiscales, médicales... Les opinions publiques nationales s'alarment [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-2-7357-0267-1 Article on page: 421 Class number: 314.7 Tags: Emigration and immigration--European Union countries Languages: French Books
Er woedt binnen de Europese Unie al een hele tijd een felle discussie over het al dan niet toetreden van Turkije tot de Europese Unie. Gevreesd wordt dat de toetreding van Turkije gepaard zal gaan met een extra migratiestroom vanuit Turkije naar[...]
Article on page: p. mult. Class number: 325.2561094 Tags: Emigration and immigration--European Union countries ; European Union--economy ; Eindwerken KUL Languages: Dutch