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8 search for keyword(s) 'Computer graphics--Computer programs'
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Quinze exemples d'effets graphiques ou dynamiques dans des pages Web, réalisés avec les logiciels ##Fireworks##, ##Dreamweaver##, ##ImageReady## et ##Photoshop## : lettrines, titres en texte, Flash, images cliquables avec effets de survol, int[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-2-84427-961-3 Article on page: XIII, 185 p. Accompanying material: 1 disque optique numérique (CD-Rom) Descriptors: 5.40 Information technology (software) > Computer applications > Computer graphics
Class number: 006.6 Tags: Computer graphics--Computer programs ; Web site development Languages: French Books
ISBN (or other code): 978094207579X Article on page: 694 p. Descriptors: 2.15 Mathematics and statistics > Mathematics
5.40 Information technology (software) > Computer programming > Computer software
Class number: 510.285 536 9 Tags: Mathematics--Computer programs ; Computer graphics--Computer programs ; MathCAD Languages: English Books
Adobe PhotoShop Creative Cloud 2017 - The easy way to colour painting, photo retouching and image editing, even if you have never designed before. This book provides step-by-step information on how to use all the tools of Photoshop. The concept [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-5430-7136-8 Article on page: 320 p. Class number: 006.6/86 Tags: Adobe Photoshop for Windows ; Cloud computing ; Computer graphics--Computer programs ; Computer graphics ; Photography--Digital techniques Languages: English Books
Technical drawings make difficult? Not with this book, a bestseller for ten years from the well-known series basic course! Step by step and clearly you will learn fast full creating drawings in AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. By means of examples, illus[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-90-5875-743-2 Article on page: IX, 246 p. Class number: 620.004 2 Tags: AutoCAD for Windows ; Computer-aided design ; Computer-aided design--Computer programs ; Computer graphics--Computer programs ; Computer graphics Languages: Dutch Books
Learn 3D animation the easy way with this complete step-by-step guide Blender For Dummies is the quick and easy guide to learning 3D modeling and animation using the popular, free, open source Blender software. You'll learn how to create models,[...]
Edition statement: 3rd ed. ISBN (or other code): 978-1-119-03953-2 Article on page: XIV, 500 p. Class number: 006.6 Tags: Computer animation ; Image processing ; Three-dimensional display systems ; Computer graphics--Computer programs Languages: English Books
ISBN (or other code): 978-90-430-2538-6 Article on page: 176 p. Class number: 620/.004202856693 Tags: Software architecture ; Drawing ; Computer graphics ; Computer graphics--Computer programs Languages: Dutch Books
In dit boek onthult Scott Kelby, de best verkopende Photoshop-auteur van dit moment, de nieuwste, belangrijkste en spannendste Photoshop CS5-technieken voor digitale fotografen. Scott doet in dit boek iets wat nog maar zelden is gedaan: hij slaa[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-90-430-2099-2 Article on page: 1 vol. (XV, 384 p.) Class number: 006.6 Tags: Adobe Photoshop for Windows ; Image processing--Digital techniques ; Photography--Digital techniques ; Computer graphics--Computer programs Languages: Dutch Books
Vous retrouverez dans ce manuel pratique toutes les fonctions du logiciel de création de diagrammes et schémas Microsoft® Visio 2010 : après une présentation de l'interface et de l'espace de travail, vous utiliserez des gabarits pour créer vos p[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-2-7460-7163-6 Article on page: 401 p. Class number: 006.6/86 Tags: Computer graphics--Computer programs ; Business--Data processing Languages: French
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