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6 search for keyword(s) 'Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965'
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Felix Klos ; Ruud Van der helm, Translator ; André Haacke, Translator | Amsterdam : Hollands Diep | 2016Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog wist Winston Churchill één ding zeker: Europese eenwording zou de enige manier zijn om een vredig en veilig Europa te creëren. Nadat hij in juli 1945 de verkiezingen meedogenloos verloor, reisde Churchill het continent [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-90-488-4909-3 Article on page: 410 p. Descriptors: Class number: 320.94 Tags: Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 ; Europe--Politics and government--1945- ; Europe--Foreign relations--Great Britain ; Great Britain--Foreign relations--Europe ; Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965--Influence ; History--Europe--Great Britain Languages: Dutch Books
Découvrez en version bilingue les plus grands discours de l'une des personnalités les plus marquantes de l'histoire du vingtième siècle. Pour faciliter la lecture comparative des textes dans chacune des deux langues, les textes anglais et frança[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-2-36830-082-4 Article on page: 128 p. Class number: 825.912 Tags: Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 ; Statesmen ; Politics and government Languages: French Books
Elizabeth Nel served as Winston Churchill's personal secretary during World War II. The vivid and human details of her experiences, of her impressions and memories of the irascible and loveable war hero, take up the story of Churchill's life at [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-595-46852-2 Article on page: XX, 156 p. Class number: 941.084092 Tags: World War, 1939-1945 ; Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 ; Great Britain--Politics and government--1945-1964 ; World War, 1939-1945--Great Britain Languages: English Books
Winston Churchill is an icon of modern history, but even though he was at the forefront of the political scene for almost sixty years, he might be remembered only as a minor player in the drama of British government had it not been for World War[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-5098-6796-7 Article on page: XXI, 1001 p. Class number: 941.084 092 Tags: Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 ; Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965--Biography ; Great Britain--Politics and government--20th century ; Prime ministers--Great Britain--Biography ; Great Britain--Politics and government--1936-1945 ; Great Britain--History--20th century Languages: English Books
Winston Churchill had a longer and closer relationship with the Royal Navy than any British statesman in modern times, but his record as a naval strategist and custodian of the nation's sea power has been mired in controversy since the ill-fated[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-19-967850-1 Article on page: XVI, 429 p. Class number: 359.00941 Tags: Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 ; Great Britain. Royal Navy. ; World War, 1914-1918--Naval operations, British ; World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations, British ; Sea-power--Great Britain--History--20th century ; Naval strategy--History--20th century ; Great Britain--History, Naval--20th century ; Great Britain--Politics and government--20th century Languages: English Books
Winston-s. Churchill ; Antoine Capet, Translator | Paris : Tallandier | Texto : le goût de l'histoire; Collection Textes | 2016Premier lord de l’Amirauté en 1911, Churchill se trouve dès lors au cœur des affaires du monde et au plus près des leaders politiques et militaires du temps. Ses écrits livrent un aperçu sans précédent des coulisses de la Grande Guerre. Pendant [...]
ISBN (or other code): 979-10-210-1916-4 Article on page: 712 p. Descriptors: Class number: 940.309 2 Tags: World War, 1914-1918--Great Britain ; World War, 1914-1918 ; Churchill, Winston Spencer, 1874-1965 ; Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 ; World War, 1914-1918--Personal narratives, British Languages: French
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