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Library items with class number 623.8886 (2)
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IMO IA847E Symbols for Fire Control Plans, 2006 Edition The importance of universally understood symbols for fire control plans for use by ship's crew and shore-based fire-fighting personnel has long been recognized. In 1989, IMO adopted graphic[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-92-801-4225-9 Class number: 623.8886 Tags: Ships--Fires and fire prevention ; Signs and symbols Languages: English Books
(Model Course 2.03) Advanced Training in Fire Fighting, 2000 Edition ADVANCED FIRE FIGHTING, 2000 Edition This course covers training in fire fighting and is based on the provisions of table A-VI/3 of the STCW Code.
Edition statement: 2nd ed. ISBN (or other code): 978-92-801-5087-2 Article on page: V, 118 p. Class number: 623.8886 Tags: Ships--Fires and fire prevention--Study and teaching (Higher) ; Ships--Safety measures ; Merchant mariners--Training of ; Merchant marine--Officers--Training of Languages: English