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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 320.56/62 (3)

‘Verloren land’ van Ece Temelkuran, een van de invloedrijkste politiek commentatoren van Turkije, is een hartstochtelijke en urgente verdediging van onze democratie. In dit persoonlijke en politieke betoog ontleedt Temalkuran de wereldwijde opko[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-90-263-4494-7 Article en page(s) : 222 p. Catégories : Index. décimale : 320.56/62 Tags : Populism--21st century ; Political ethics--21st century ; Nationalism--History--21st century ; Democracy--21st century Langues: Néerlandais Thesis
"Populism is a central concept in the current media debates about politics and elections. However, like most political buzzwords, the term often floats from one meaning to another, and both social scientists and journalists use it to denote dive[...]
Article en page(s) : 131 p. Catégories : Tags : Populism ; Democracy ; Political science Langues: Anglais Thesis
In this groundbreaking volume, Jan-Werner Muller argues that at populism's core is a rejection of pluralism. Populists will always claim that they and they alone represent the people and their true interests. Muller also shows that, contrary to [...]
Article en page(s) : 123 p. Catégories : Tags : Populism ; Democracy--Philosophy ; Political science--Philosophy Langues: Anglais