Class number details
Library items with class number 363.32509567 (2)

Patrick Desbois ; Costel Nastasie ; Shelley Temchin, Translator | New York : Arcade Publishing | 2018With testimony drawn from more than 200 interviews with Yazidi survivors--girls, women, boys, and men--recorded during 11 investigative trips to refugee camps in Iraqi Kurdistan. The massacre of the Yazidi people by ISIS was nothing less than ge[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-62872-946-7 Article on page: XIII, 197 p. Descriptors: Class number: 363.32509567 Tags: IS (Organization) ; Yezidis--Iraq--History--21st century ; Genocide--Iraq--History--21st century Languages: English ![]()
Farida Khalaf is achttien als haar bergdorp in Noord-Irak wordt overvallen door IS-terroristen. Ze vermoorden alle mannen en nemen de vrouwen als gevangenen mee. Farida wordt op een slavinnenmarkt in Raqqa als koopwaar aangeboden. Ze verzet zich[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-94-027-0930-8 Article on page: 287 p. Descriptors: Class number: 363.32509567 Tags: IS (Organization)--Personal narratives ; IS (Organization) ; Iraq War, 2003--Personal narratives ; Jihad (E) ; Kidnapping--Iraq ; Escaped prisoners of war--Iraq--Biography ; Yezidi women--Iraq--History--21st century--Biography ; Yezidis--Iraq--History--21st century Languages: Dutch