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Documenten in deze classificatie 629.830151256 (1)

Hebertt Sira-ramarez ; Carlos García rodríguez ; John Cortés-romero ; Alberto Luviano-juárez | Hoboken (New Jersey) [United States] : Wiley publisher | Wiley series in dynamics and control of electromechanical systems | 2014Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems presents a model-based algebraic approach to online parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systems. This approach evades the mathematical i[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-1-118-73060-7 Artikel op pagina: XVI, 373 p. Indexering: 629.830151256 Tags: Feedback control systems--Mathematical models ; Control theory--Mathematics ; Differential algebra Talen: Engels