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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 341.242/2091724 (1)

The European Union and emerging powers in the 21st century : how Europe can shape a new global order
The emergence of new powers fundamentally questions the traditional views on international relations, multilateralism or security as a range of countries now competes for regional and global leadership - economically, politically, technologicall[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4094-1956-3 Article en page(s) : XVIII, 208 p. Catégories : 6.20 Relations internationales > Sûreté de l'État > Défense > Défense militaire Europe
Index. décimale : 341.242/2091724 Tags : European Union--Influence ; Middle powers--History--21st century ; International relations--History--21th century ; European Union countries--Foreign relations--21st century ; European Union countries--Foreign relations--Developing countries ; Developing countries--Foreign relations--European Union countries Langues: Anglais