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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 320.12091824 (1)

Manoj Gupta ; Hasjim Djalal, Préfacier, etc. ; Jon Van dyke, Préfacier, etc. | Wien : Springer Nature | The Political economy of the Asia Pacific, ISSN 1866-6507 | 2010The Indian Ocean region is arguably one of the world's least understood, yet its importance in geopolitics and international relations is greater than ever before. This book explores the concepts of regime theory, regional orders and ocean gover[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4419-5988-1 Article en page(s) : XXIV, 400 p. Catégories : Index. décimale : 320.12091824 Tags : Geopolitics--Indian Ocean Region ; Indian Ocean Region--Strategic aspects ; Indian Ocean Region--Relations Langues: Anglais