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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 359.009 227 3 (1)

Nineteen-Gun Salute: Case Studies of Operational, Strategic, and Diplomatic Naval Leadership during the 20th and Early 21st Centuries, edited by John B. Hattendorf and Bruce A. Elleman. This collection of brief biographies of nineteen U.S. Navy [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-884733-66-6 Article en page(s) : 1 vol. (X, 274 p.) Index. décimale : 359.009 227 3 Tags : United States. Navy--Officers--Biography ; Admirals--United States--Biography ; Leadership--Case studies ; Naval strategy--Case studies ; United States--History, Naval--20th century--Case studies ; United States--History, Naval--21st century--Case studies Langues: Anglais