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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 363.325/16 (2)

"America's fight against radical Islam could soon be over, and a top secret plan from the Cold War is the key to our victory. Dr. Sebastian Gorka, counterinsurgency expert and Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University, ex[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-62157-457-6 Article en page(s) : 244 p. Catégories : 4.20 Problèmes sociaux > Criminalité > Terrorisme
6.20 Relations internationales > Conflit international > Guerre > Aspect religieux > Djihad
Index. décimale : 363.325/16 Tags : Terrorism--Prevention ; Terrorism--Religious aspects--Islam ; Jihad (E) Langues: Anglais Thesis
Cindy r. Jebb ; P.h. Liotta ; Thomas Sherlock ; Ruth margolies Beitler ; Kori Shake, Préfacier, etc. | Westport, Conn. : Praeger Security International | 2006Terrorism cannot be treated as a monolithic threat. Not should terrorists be viewed simply as people who carry out acts of terror, without examining the ends they hope to achieve. Good policy can only be crafted with an understanding of the terr[...]
Article en page(s) : XIV, 182 Catégories : Tags : Terrorism--Prevention ; Democratization ; Legitimacy of governments ; Political stability ; National liberation movements ; Separatist movements Langues: Anglais