Detail van deze classificatie
Documenten in deze classificatie 172/.42 (21)

Bill Rhodes | Westport, Conn. : Praeger Security International | Contemporary military, strategic, and security issues, ISSN 1932-295X | 2009This title features key documents and biographical sketches. "An Introduction to Military Ethics: A Reference Handbook" presents the philosophical and conceptual foundations of military ethics, offering an excellent foundation for exploration an[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-313-35046-7 Artikel op pagina: 165 p. Descriptors : 3.15 Philosophie et éthique > Éthique > Ethique appliquée > Guerre -- Aspect moral
3.15 Philosophie et éthique > Éthique > Ethique appliquée > Militaire ethiek
Indexering: 172/.42 Tags: Military ethics--Study and teaching ; War--Moral and ethical aspects Talen: Engels ![]()
During the Cold War - an era in which the term 'asymmetric warfare' was not well known - the issue of the laws and ethics of war seemed simple enough to most soldiers, being concerned mainly with leadership, management, and morale. Post-Cold War[...]![]()
This book explores the ethical implications of war in the contemporary world. The author, a leading theorist of warfare, explains why it is of crucial importance that Western countries should continue to apply traditional ethical rules and pract[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-415-45282-3 Artikel op pagina: XIII, 201 p. Descriptors : Indexering: 172/.42 Tags: War on terrorism, 2001- ; War--Moral and ethical aspects Talen: Engels ![]()
In een oorlog komen mensen om. Soldaten sneuvelen, maar ook burgers verliezen het leven. Vooral de burgerdoden vervullen ons met afgrijzen. Verdient daarom elke oorlog onze morele afkeuring? Michael Walzer verzet zich tegen de gedachte dat oorlo[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-90-5573-890-8 Artikel op pagina: 1 vol. (85 p.) Descriptors : Indexering: 172/.42 Tags: Oorlog (Filosofie) Talen: Nederlands ![]()
The authors discussions about war and ethics are always provocative, well argued, and insightful. He is able to transform complex issues into readable, understandable, and peruasive prose.
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-300-10365-6 Artikel op pagina: XV, 208 p. Descriptors : Indexering: 172/.42 Tags: War Talen: Engels ![]()
What, specifically, constitutes a just war? Clearly no intellectual consensus exists on what rules should apply to such moral considerations. This title discusses how such decisions are justified in different nations, religions and cultures.
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-7546-3587-1 Artikel op pagina: IX, 233 Descriptors : Indexering: 172/.42 Tags: Just war doctrine Talen: Engels