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Library items with class number 303 (28)
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Raymond Sin-kwok wong | 2010Many social science data are by nature organized in cross-classified formats, for example, gender and racial differences in the relationship between education and occupation, cross-national and/or temporal changes in patterns of marriage homogam[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-6887-4 Article on page: 10 vol. (XIV, 156 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Social sciences--Classification--Statistical methods ; Social sciences--Statistics Languages: English Books
Steven j. Osterlind | 2010This new edition presents an up-to-date description of differential item functioning. It describes varying procedures for addressing DIF in practical testing contexts. The authors present useful examples and studies of DIF that readers may emplo[...]
Edition statement: 2nd ed ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-5494-5 Article on page: 1 vol. (IX, 87 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Social sciences--Statistical methods ; Social sciences--Methodology Languages: English Books
Paul d. Allison | 2010This book demonstrates how to estimate and interpret fixed-effects models in a variety of different modeling contexts: linear models, logistic models, Poisson models, Cox regression models, and structural equation models. Both advantages and dis[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-7619-2497-5 Article on page: 1 vol. (IX, 123 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Regression analysis ; Social sciences--Statistical methods Languages: English Books
Clifford t. Brown ; Larry Liebovitch | 2010This primer uses straightforward language to give the reader step-by-step instructions for identifying and analyzing fractal patterns and the social process that create them. By making fractals accessible to the social science students, this boo[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-7165-2 Article on page: 1 vol. (XV, 90 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Fractals (E) ; Social sciences--Mathematical models ; Social sciences--Statistical methods Languages: English Books
Roberto Franzosi | 2010Covering a number of disciplines, including linguistics, literary criticism, computer science, and statistics, this book illustrates author Roberto Franzosi’s distinctive approach to the quantitative analysis of large volumes of narrative texts.[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-2525-9 Article on page: 1 vol. (XI, 175 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Discourse analysis, Narrative ; Content analysis (Communication) ; Social sciences--Research--Methodology Languages: English Books
Daniele Caramani | 2009Offering students and researchers in the behavioural and social sciences a brief and accessible introduction to the comparative method, it is ideal for students of public administration, policy, sociology, political science, social psychology, a[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-0975-4 Article on page: 1 vol. (XIV, 112 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Social sciences--Comparative method ; Algebra, Boolean Languages: English Books
John Fox | 2009John Fox’s A Mathematical Primer for Social Statistics covers many often ignored yet important topics in mathematics and mathematical statistics. This text provides readers with the foundation on which an understanding of applied statistics rest[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-6080-9 Article on page: 1 vol. (XIV, 170 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Social sciences--Mathematics ; Social sciences--Statistical methods Languages: English Books
Peter Reason ; Hilary Bradbury | 2008With the Handbook of Action Research hailed as a turning point in how action research is framed and understood by scholars, this student edition has been structured to provide an easy inroad into the field for researchers and students. It includ[...]
Edition statement: concise pbk. ed ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-2030-8 Article on page: XXXII, 362 Class number: 303 Tags: Action research Languages: English Books
Latent growth curve modeling (LGM)—a special case of confirmatory factor analysis designed to model change over time—is an indispensable and increasingly ubiquitous approach for modeling longitudinal data. This volume introduces LGM techniques t[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-3955-3 Article on page: 1 vol. (X, 96 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Latent structure analysis ; Latent variables ; Longitudinal method ; Social sciences--Statistical methods Languages: English Books
Dawn Iacobucci | 2008This book covers mediation analysis—the examination of whether an effect of one variable on another is direct or indirect or both. Author Dawn Iacobucci offers thorough coverage of introductory and advanced material as well as conceptual and sta[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-2569-3 Article on page: 1 vol. (XIII, 85 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Social sciences--Mathematical models ; Structural equation modeling (E) ; Regression analysis Languages: English Books
Michael d. Ward ; Kristian skrede Gleditsch | 2008Spatial Regression Models illustrates the use of spatial analysis in the social sciences. The text includes sections that cover different modeling-related topics: mapping and making projections; doing exploratory spatial data analysis; working w[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-5415-0 Article on page: 1vol.(XI, 99 p.) Class number: 303 Tags: Spatial analysis (Statistics) ; Regression analysis Languages: English Books
Davydd j. Greenwood ; Morten Levin | 2007How do social researchers know how to select the action research (AR) approach that is most appropriate for their study? Aimed at providing newcomers to AR with the different approaches they seek, Introduction to Action Research, 2//e introduces[...]
Edition statement: 2nd ed ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4129-2597-6 Article on page: XIII, 301 Class number: 303 Tags: Action research Languages: English Books
John Brewer ; Albert Hunter | 2006Multimethod Research offers an explanation of how a planned synthesis of various research techniques (fieldwork, surveys, experiments, and nonreactive studies) can be purposely used to improve social science knowledge. The authors discuss the ma[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-7619-8861-8 Article on page: XXI, 206 p. Class number: 303 Tags: Methodology ; Social sciences Languages: English Books
Michael Smithson ; Jay Verkuilen | 2006This book introduces fuzzy set theory to social science researchers. Fuzzy sets are categories with blurred boundaries. With classical sets, objects are either in the set or not, but objects can belong partially to more than one fuzzy set at a t[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-7619-2986-4 Article on page: XI, 97 Class number: 303 Tags: Social sciences ; Methodology ; Social sciences--Comparative method Languages: English Books
Georges h. Dunteman ; Moon-ho r. Ho | 2006Generalized linear models provide a unified theoretical and conceptual framework for many of the most commonly used statistical methods. In the ten years since publication of the first edition of this bestselling text, great strides have been ma[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-7619-2084-7 Article on page: X, 72 p. Class number: 303 Tags: Mathematical models Languages: English