Class number details
Library items with class number 658.409 201 9 (2)

Daniel Goleman ; Richard Boyatzis, Associate ; Annie Mckee, Associate ; Marlou Gemmeke, Translator | Amsterdam : Contact | 2007Goede managers hebben vrijwel allemaal een hoog IQ terwijl de 'emotionele intelligentie' (het EQ) enorm uiteenloopt. Het is verleidelijk om er dus vanuit te gaan dat het IQ de belangrijkste factor is, maar dat is bedrieglijk. Intelligent zijn: d[...]
Edition statement: 3de dr ISBN (or other code): 978-90-254-1814-4 Article on page: 336 Class number: 658.409 201 9 Tags: Leiderschap ; emotionele intelligentie ; Management (N) Languages: Dutch ![]()
Harry Levinson | 2006Faster technologies, tougher competition, and an uncertain economy have made success more elusive--and the workplace environment more stressful--than ever. To keep up, employees have felt increasingly compelled to spend more of their waking hour[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-4221-0205-3 Article on page: VIII, 184 Descriptors: Class number: 658.409 201 9 Tags: Management (E) ; Psychology ; Leadership (E) Languages: English