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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 616.85/212 (2)

The essential handbook for anyone who has ever returned from a war zone, and their spouse, partner, or family members. Being back home can be as difficult, if not more so, than the time spent serving in a combat zone. It’s with this truth that C[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-7627-5442-7 Article en page(s) : XXIII, 303 p. Catégories : Index. décimale : 616.85/212 Tags : War neuroses ; Psychology, Military ; Post-traumatic stress disorder ; Veterans--Psychology ; Soldiers--Psychology Langues: Anglais ![]()
Shay works from an intriguing premise: that the study of the great Homeric epic of war, The Iliad, can illuminate our understanding of Vietnam, and vice versa. Along the way, he compares the battlefield experiences of men like Agamemnon and Patr[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-684-81321-9 Article en page(s) : 246 p. Index. décimale : 616.85/212 Tags : War neuroses ; Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Psychological aspects ; Post-traumatic stress disorder ; Veterans--Mental health--United States ; War--Psychological aspects Langues: Anglais