Class number details
Library items with class number 660 (2)
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Based on the author's many years of experience in practicing safety assessment in industry and teaching students or professionals in this area, Francis Stoessel adopts a unique systematic how-to-do approach: each chapter beginning with a case hi[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-3-527-31712-7 Article on page: XIX, 374 p. Descriptors: 2.05 Scientific approach > Scientific methods > Evaluation > Évaluation du risque
2.25 Chemical sciences > Chemistry
6.50 Manufacturing and transport engineering > Chemical technology
Class number: 660 (Génie chimique (chimie industrielle) et techniques connexes) Tags: Chemical processes ; Thermochemistry Languages: English Books
Article on page: 114p. Accompanying material: Bijlagen Descriptors: 6.50 Manufacturing and transport engineering > Chemical technology
Class number: 660 (Génie chimique (chimie industrielle) et techniques connexes) Tags: Master's dissertations ; Chemistry, Technical Languages: French