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Daniel Corstange | Cambridge [United Kingdom] : Cambridge University Press | Cambridge studies in comparative politics | 2016"Clientelism and ethnic favoritism appear to go hand-in-hand in many diverse societies in the developing world. But, while some ethnic communities receive generous material rewards for their political support, others receive very modest payoffs.[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-107-10667-3 Article on page: 276 p. Class number: 324.956 Tags: Voting--Middle East ; Patronage, Political--Middle East ; Patron and client--Middle East ; Ethnicity--Middle East Languages: English Thesis
By analytically decoupling war and violence, this book explores the causes and dynamics of violence in civil war. Against the prevailing view that such violence is an instance of impenetrable madness, the book demonstrates that there is logic to[...]
Article on page: XVIII, 485 p. Tags: Civil war ; Political violence Languages: English Thesis
Some rebel groups abuse noncombatant populations while others exhibit restraint. Rebel leaders in some countries transform local structures of government while others do nothing more than extract resources. In some contexts, rebel groups kill th[...]
Article on page: XX, 402 p. Descriptors: Tags: Insurgency ; Insurgency--Case studies ; Political violence Languages: English Books
David Knoke ; Franz urban Pappi ; Jeffrey Broadbent ; Yutaka Tsujinaka | Cambridge [United Kingdom] : Cambridge University Press | Cambridge studies in comparative politics | 1996The United States, Germany, and Japan, the world's three most powerful and successful free market societies, differ strikingly in how their governments relate to their economies. Comparing Policy Networks reports the results of collaborative res[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-521-49927-9 Article on page: 288 p. Tags: Labor policy ; industrial policy Languages: English