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This book is designed to cover all of the aspects of InfoPath 2010 within a SharePoint 2010 environment in regards to creating and developing business solutions. It is geared toward both technical and semi-technical professionals and does not re[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-672-33342-2 Article on page: IX, 362 p. Class number: 006.7/4 Tags: Microsoft InfoPath (E) ; Business--Forms--Computer programs Languages: English Books
Need fast, reliable, easy-to-implement solutions for SharePoint 2010? This book delivers exactly what you’re looking for: step-by-step help and guidance with the tasks that users, authors, content managers, and site managers perform most often. [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-672-33335-4 Article on page: XI, 378 p. Class number: 006.7 (Système multimedia : hypermédias. Hypertexte) Tags: Microsoft InfoPath (E) ; Microsoft Office SharePoint (E) ; Business--Forms--Computer programs ; Intranets (Computer networks) ; Web servers (E) Languages: French