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The International library of essays in public and professional ethics
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Anthony Coady ; Igor Primoratz | Farnham [United Kingdom] : Ashgate | The International library of essays in public and professional ethics | 2008Recent developments such as the 'new wars' or the growing privatisation of warfare, and the ever more sophisticated military technology, present the military with difficult ethical challenges. This book offers a selection of the best scholarly a[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-7546-2487-5 Article en page(s) : XXV, 546 Catégories : 3.15 Philosophie et éthique > Éthique > Ethique appliquée > Éthique militaire
3.15 Philosophie et éthique > Éthique > Ethique appliquée > Guerre -- Aspect moral
Tags : Military ethics ; War--Moral aspect Langues: Anglais