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Beschikbare documenten in deze reeks (3)

Shai Simonson | Washington : MAA Mathematical Association of America | Classroom resource materials | 2011Rediscovering Mathematics is principally a guide to effective mathematical education. However, its collection of topics and puzzles will also inspire a renewed interest in mathematics among students and enthusiasts. The book focuses on problem s[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-88385-770-0 Artikel op pagina: XXXI, 207 Descriptors : Indexering: 510 (Mathématiques) Tags: Mathematics ; Mathematics--Study and teaching ; Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc. Talen: Engels ![]()
Sergiy Klymchuck | Cambridge [United Kingdom] : Cambridge University Press | Classroom resource materials | 2010Counterexamples in Calculus serves as a supplementary resource to enhance the learning experience in single variable calculus courses. This book features carefully constructed incorrect mathematical statements that require students to create cou[...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-88385-765-6 Artikel op pagina: 1 vol. (IX, 100 p.) Indexering: 517 Tags: Calculus--Problems, exercices, etc. Talen: Engels ![]()
David Bressoud | Washington (D.C.) : Mathematical association of America | Classroom resource materials | 2007This book is an undergraduate introduction to real analysis. Teachers can use it as a textbook for an innovative course, or as a resource for a traditional course. Students who have been through a traditional course, but do not understand what r[...]
Uitgave: 2nd ed ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-88385-747-2 Artikel op pagina: XV, 323 Indexering: 515.8 Tags: Mathematical analysis Talen: Engels