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Herman Amersfoort ; René Moelker ; Joseph Soeters ; Désirée Verweij | Den Haag : Asser Press | NL ARMS, ISSN 2452-235X | 2013The missions of armed forces are required to be effective. Thus missions are oriented to objectives that help prevent, contain or solve problems. A soldier, for example, who skillfully neutralizes his or her target is not effective when the prob[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-90-6704-345-8 Article on page: VIII, 303 p. Descriptors: Class number: 341.67 Tags: International humanitarian law ; International criminal law ; Humanitarian law Languages: English Books
Paul Ducheine ; Osinga ; Joseph Soeters | The Hague : TMC Asser Press | NL ARMS, ISSN 2452-235X | 2012Next to sea, land, air and space, ‘cyberspace’ appears to be the fifth operational domain for the military. This manmade and virtual sphere brings along opportunities and threats. In this book, academics of the Netherlands Defence Academy as wel[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-90-6704-341-0 Article on page: VIII, 311 p. Descriptors: Class number: 363.325 900 4 Tags: Cyberterrorism--Prevention ; Cyberspace--Security measures ; Computer crimes--Prevention--Government policy ; Information warfare Languages: English Books
F. Osinga ; J. Soeters ; W. Van rossum | 's Gravenhage : Ministerie van Defensie | NL ARMS, ISSN 2452-235X | 2011Tien jaar geleden veranderde de wereld. Specialisten uit onderscheiden vakgebieden geven hun visie op de impact die de aanslagen in New York en Washington tot de dag van vandaag hebben gehad. Hebben de aanslagen op het World Trade Centre en het [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-94-6105-472-2 Article on page: 288 p. Class number: 341.773 Tags: Precision bombing--United States ; Terrorism Languages: Dutch Books
Michiel De weger ; Harry Kirkels ; Osinga | Breda : Royal Netherlands Military Academy | NL ARMS, ISSN 2452-235X | 2009
Article on page: 1 vol. (374 p) Class number: 355.4 Tags: Lebanon War, 2006 ; War--Afghanistan ; Geopolitics--Afghanistan Languages: English