> 5.10 Communication research and policy > Communication process > Group communication
Group communication |
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Hollywood producer and pitch master Brant Pinvidic has sold more than three hundred TV shows and movies, run a TV network, and helmed one of the largest production companies in the world with smash hits like The Biggest Loser and Bar Rescue. In [...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-525-54072-4 Article on page: 237 p. Descriptors: 5.10 Communication research and policy > Communication process > Group communication
Class number: 658.45 Tags: Business communication ; Entrepreneurship ; Success in business ; Business and Management Languages: English Books
Paul Watzlawick, Author ; Janet Beavin Bavelas, Author ; Don De Avila Jackson, Author ; Janine Morche, Translator | [Paris] : Éditions du Seuil | Points (Paris), ISSN 0768-0481 | DL 1979Scène de ménage dont "Qui a peur de Virginia Woolf ? " fournit le modèle, double bind où le sujet est soumis à plusieurs ordres contradictoirs émis simultanément : tel sont certains des cas de pathologie de la communication analysée ici. Comment[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-2-02-005220-7 Article on page: 1 vol. (280 p.) Descriptors: 5.10 Communication research and policy > Communication process > Group communication
5.10 Communication research and policy > Communication process > Interactive communication
Class number: 153.6 Tags: Communication (E) ; Communication in management Languages: French Original Language: English Books
Gilles Amado, Author ; André Guittet, Author | Paris : Armand Colin | Collection U. Sciences sociales, communicationDynamique des communications dans les groupes. 4e édition La famille, la classe, le groupe de travail, l'équipe sportive : autant d'ensembles humains auxquels nous participons ou que nous approchons sans cesse. La communication, qui en consti[...]
Edition statement: 4nd ed. ISBN (or other code): 22009265948 Article on page: 206 p. Descriptors: 5.10 Communication research and policy > Communication process > Group communication
Class number: 302.3 Tags: Group psychotherapy ; Communication in small groups Languages: French