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Author Alex Kershaw |
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Op een koude ochtend in december 1944 probeert een peloton van achttien man zich wanhopig warm te houden in de Ardenner bossen. Plotseling wordt de ochtendstilte doorbroken door het gevreesde geluid van naderende tanks. Hitler is zijn offensief [...]
Edition statement: 14th ed. ISBN (or other code): 978-90-453-0953-8 Article on page: 330 p. Descriptors: Class number: 940.542 193 48 Tags: United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 394th. Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon ; Ardennes, Battle of the, 1944-1945 ; World War, 1939-1945--Regimental histories--United States ; World War, 1939-1945--Prisoners and prisons, German ; Prisoners of war--Germany--History ; Prisoners of war--United States--History Languages: Dutch Books
In de vroege duisternis van 6 juni 1944, dit jaar precies 75 jaar geleden, begon D-day: de grootste invasie van onze geschiedenis. In zijn verbijsterende epos De invasie volgt de bekende militair historicus Alex Kershaw de lotgevallen van de man[...]
Edition statement: 2nd ed. ISBN (or other code): 978-94-6382-029-5 Article on page: 312 p. Descriptors: Class number: 940.54/21421 Tags: Allied Powers (1919- )--Armed Forces--Biography ; World War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--France--Normandy ; World War, 1939-1945--Commando operations ; Commando Troops--Biography ; Soldiers--Biography ; Operation Overlord (E) Languages: Dutch Books
On a cold morning in December, 1944, deep in the Ardennes forest, a platoon of eighteen men under the command of twenty-year-old lieutenant Lyle Bouck were huddled in their foxholes trying desperately to keep warm. Suddenly, the early morning si[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-0-306-81440-2 Article on page: XI, 330 p. Descriptors: Class number: 940.541 273 Tags: United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 394th. Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon ; Ardennes, Battle of the, 1944-1945 ; World War, 1939-1945--Regimental histories--United States ; World War, 1939-1945--Prisoners and prisons, German ; Prisoners of war--Germany--History ; Prisoners of war--United States--History Languages: English