Author details
Author Heikki Hurskainen |
Available item(s) by this author (1)

Jari Nurmi ; Elena simona Lohan ; Stephan Sand ; Heikki Hurskainen | Wien : Springer Nature | Signals and Communication Technology, ISSN 1860-4862 | 2014This book covers multi-band Galileo receivers (especially E1-E5 bands of Galileo) and addresses all receiver building blocks, from the antenna and front end, through details of the baseband receiver processing blocks, up to the navigation proces[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-94-007-1829-6 Article on page: 402 p. Class number: 623.893 Tags: Global Positioning System (E) ; Artificial satellites in navigation ; Artificial satellites in telecommunication ; Galileo satellite navigation system Languages: English