Auteur Loukia d. Loukopoulos |
Beschikbare documenten van deze auteur (1)

Key r. Dismukes ; Benjamin a. Berman ; Loukia d. Loukopoulos | Farnham [United Kingdom] : Ashgate | Ashgate sutdies in human factors for flight operations | 2007The Limits of Expertise" reports a study of the 19 major U.S. airline accidents from 1991-2000 in which the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found crew error to be a causal factor. Each accident is reported in a separate chapter that [...]
Uitgave: Repr ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-0-7546-4965-6 Artikel op pagina: XI, 352 p. Indexering: 363.124 14 Tags: Aircraft accidents--Human factors--Case studies ; Aircraft accidents--Investigation--Case studies Talen: Engels