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Author Fred w. Crickard |
Available item(s) by this author (1)
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This work examines the security, foreign policy and economic implications of multinational naval cooperation into the 21st century, through a comparative study of the approaches of medium powers and coastal and island states in the use of sea po[...]
ISBN (or other code): 978-1-85521-997-7 Article on page: XXIV, 305 p. Descriptors: 6.20 International relations > State security > Armed forces > Navies
6.20 International relations > State security > Armed forces > Navies > Stratégie navale
6.20 International relations > State security > Armed forces > Puissance maritime
Class number: 359.03 Tags: Navies--International cooperation--Congresses ; Sea-power--Congresses ; Security, International--Congresses Languages: English