Auteur Jennifer Macnaughtan |
Beschikbare documenten van deze auteur (1)

Stephan Keukeleire ; Jennifer Macnaughtan | London [United Kingdom] : Palgrave MacMillan | The European Union series | 2008A comprehensive assessment of EU foreign policy that looks beyond the Common Foreign and Security Policy to analyze foreign policy developed through other EU pillars. It has a systematic and comprehensive overview of the EU's foreign policy. It [...]
ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-1-4039-4722-2 Artikel op pagina: XVII, 374 Descriptors : 6.20 Relations internationales > Relations internationales
6.20 Relations internationales > Sûreté de l'État > Défense > Défense militaire Europe
Indexering: 327.4 Tags: European Union ; European Union countries--Foreign relations Talen: Engels