Author details
Author Stephen randy Davis |
Available item(s) by this author (2)

This book covers the main areas of mathematics used in the first years of a typical engineering, science or applied mathematics degree. This is not a textbook. It is a concise guide to what the important skills in mathematics are: the ones that [...]
Edition statement: 2nd ed. ISBN (or other code): 978-1-921410-33-8 Article on page: 198 p. Descriptors: Class number: 510 (Mathématiques) Tags: Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc. ; Mathematics ; Engineering mathematics ; Applied mathematics ; Science--Mathematics Languages: English ![]()
C++ est le langage de programmation le plus populaire. Dans l'esprit de beaucoup de gens, qui dit langage dit compliqué. Contrairement à d'autres ouvrages sur la programmation, C++ pour les Nuls considère que le pourquoi est aussi important que [...]
Edition statement: 2e éd ISBN (or other code): 978-2-84427-642-1 Article on page: XXI, 468 p. Descriptors: Class number: 004.438 Tags: Programming languages (Electronic computers) Languages: French